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Live massage with Live Slack Key

Jan 17, 2022

Live massage with Live Slack Key

Jeff Peterson has been playing slack key in our massage room for about a year now.  He sits in the back, uses a little amp, and with our 18 ft high ceiling, his music travels above the partitions and into every room.  We have eight massage rooms.

Just listening to him play at anytime is wonderful, but here he improvises on songs and stretches them.  A four minute song turns into a twelve minute song.  After a while, the beginning of one song now turns into a virtually endless flow of variations, but all in a soothing, inviting stream of bewildering inspiration.  How can he play so well??  He deserved that Grammy he won for Hawaiian music.

Providing massage while Jeff is playing is very inspirational.  He adds a lot of umph and sensitivity to our massage; we have to be as focused and creative as he is!

So, for a special experience, come visit the Shiatsu and Massage Center in the Waikiki Beach Walk this Sunday November 24 from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Playing slack inside the message room

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